Ozonoterapia weterynaryjna 

Trwające od kilkudziesięcioleci leczenie ludzi ozonem obecnie zostało dostrzeżone przez kliniki weterynaryjne z powodu narastającej lekooporności oraz wprowadzeniu nowych, innowacyjnych metod bezbolesnej aplikacji na skórę i błonę śluzową w oparciu o medyczne generatory ozony wykorzystujące technologię zimnej plazmy. Niektóre uniwersytety uruchomiły Studia II stopnia Master z ozonoterapii weterynaryjnej  

Szczegóły produktu

After many years of treating people with ozone, veterinary medicine has noticed this very effective therapy due to the increasing drug resistance and the introduction of new methods of ozone application. In the PABMED scientific database, ozone has the most publications among all drugs, over 4300. 

In addition to courses and workshops, Master's degree studies in veterinary ozone therapy are also available

Medical ozone generators of the DTA series  designed for dentistry, surgery and dermatology, are currently the basic offer for veterinary medicine. The devices generate ozone in plasma probes for precise external application to the skin and mucosa in medical concentrations* up to 100 μg/ml.

Ozone administered in this way penetrates the tissue to a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 cm depending on its density, is very effective, treatments are short, painless, safe and cheap. Medical ozone eliminates all pathogens, oxygenates tissues, restores microcirculation in hard-to-heal wounds.

The devices are lightweight, easy to use and portable. DTA ozonators do not use an oxygen cylinder and, in addition to blood ozonation, are intended for all kinds of therapeutic and preventive treatments as well as ozonation of oil and water. Youtube short  Ozone Dta

Szczegóły produktu

Ozonoterapia weterynaryjna

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